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Decluttering, packing and moving

My decluttering adventure has been slowing but hasn't stopped. When I started my goal was just to clear some things out. Then it changed to get rid of everything I could not replace. I have managed to still keep more things than I need, but I have still made a dramatic decrease in clutter. And I imagine that I will let go of more things still as I got thru them a second time. I was also able to start some packing. I still have many things that a belong to my child off at college. So I knew I could pack those things up and know one would mind. 
My housing searching had been on hold. There are some things that need to be decided. That I have no control over and until these decision are made I don't know if I will be staying in Austin or returning to Seattle. Then I found out that I can only stay at my current house till mild of this month. I was hoping to have till the end of May but that turned out not to be the case. So I have had no choice but to look for new housing. I have found somewhere to live. It will only be temporary but it will give me time till I know where my final destination is. So I have been busy packing, for I only have a few more days till I move. 
Now if I stay in Austin I will need more employment. So I have been putting in applications for just about every jobs that I can get to on the bus and tha pays more than minimum wage.(Minimum wage is only $7.25 here in Texas.) I have also been searching the job available in Seattle to see what my option are there. I have had a few interviews and managed to add substute teacher to my list of jobs. It took the school district three weeks to get my paper work in the sub system. So I only managed to get one sub day in before spring break. I am still looking for an other job for I will need something for  summer.
It is harder on me to work a full time job than most people my age. So making sure that I take care of myself is very important. Running is a big part of that right now. I ran the Austin half marathon last month and had a new personal best time. I have an other half marathon coming up at the end of this month and hoping to do one every six weeks this year. 
Back to decluttering and packing for me.


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