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Showing posts from July, 2012

Catching up

As I continue my house hunt it looks more and more like we will be staying put. So I am adding more garden beds. Beside adding more beds I am planning out my fall garden. With all the new beds I have over doubled my growing space. And I will have deitacated space just for the farmers market. So this month will be very busy getting my fall crops in. Now fall crops in Austin means, a short warm crop planting. I will get some cold crops in but not for a few month still. I have a few more weekend of peach sales. Then a trip to see all the family. Before school starts back up and I head back to the library. I recently pasted the one year mark of being a vegan and it has defentlly been for the better. Not only have I stayed off the medicaton for my stomach. I think that it has helping my skin problem and my glucose has gone back to normal. Being the only vegan in the house can sometime be interesting. When your trying to decide on meals that everyone will eat. But I have found many m

My poor blogging skills

I have always tried to keep up with blogging. I have ton of drafts just waiting to be finished. Well I did but not any more. I went through and cleaned things out. Now to improve my time between posts. I am starting out with a small goal. One post every two weeks on Wednesdays. Since I already made a post today you may not see an other post for two weeks. But you never know you may get a bonus post.