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2014 is here

    It has been four month since the last time I have and many things have happend. I don't want to bore you so I will just give you a few of the highlight. My library volunteer job became a paid position. Due to the winter season I am no longer working at the trailer. I finished three more 5k. One of them was the Blacklight run that I got to do with my youngest and some co workers. 
     2014 is here and I can just feel that it is a year of change. I am hoping to get more races in this year. I have eleven race on my calendar so far and I will be doing a virtual marathon each month too. My first race for the year will be a the Austin half marathon and it's just 19 day away. As it get closer my runs are getting longer which is nice because it give a little more quiet time. 
     I am also working on the garden. I have two planting of cold crops in and should be be seeing some harvest from the first planting soon. Since I grow my plants from seed I have started some of my warm crop plants too. I always start much more than I need, but I don't normally have a hard time finding home for the extras. I am not adding any new beds to the garden. Since I am not sure where my warm crops will be planted. 
     One of the biggest things that I have been working on the last month is decluttering. I am very much a pack rat, so I end up with just to much stuff that I don't need. Example I had  25 empty three ring binder that were just sitting on a shelf. I also started a Buy Nothing Project Group for South Austin in the effort to see if some of my neighbor might want some of my treasure. I have also managed to donated 40 bags of stuff to an assortment of charity's. I am not done yet but I sure can see a lot more of my floor. The amount of recycle has been crazy too. I have had to make a few trip to the recycle center just to keep up.
     I am also planning on downsizing my housing this year too. I would prefer a house or duplex but an apartment my have to do. Since my youngest is a teenager I don't need a yard as much. I have managed to find a few apartments that have community gardens and that would take care of my yard needs. But to make things a little more difficult I am not sure if I will be staying in Austin or moving back to Seattle to be closer to my family. I am hoping to have to more of those detail worked out soon.

I think that should should get you all up to speed, on how the big things in my life are going. Now hopefully I will manage to to keep up a little more with my little blog.


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