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Showing posts from April, 2011

How to irrigate the garden

One of my garden project that I been working on is: How to irrigate the garden. In the Texas summer heat vegetables need lots of water everyday. And I am already under water restrictions. I can only use a sprinkler head or system two days a week. And it also not the most efficient way to water the garden. And I wanted an idea that I could use recycled materials. After some searching on the Internet. I found IcePop-Drip-Irrigation . The short version: A frozen water bottle wrapped with a mylar chip bag. (Because I am anal about what I eat and about recycling. Both water bottles and chip bags are not some thing you find a lot of in my house. But it amazing what you can find at your local construction site.) I did change one thing to suit me and the garden better. I have a lot of more plants to water and it will be and early morning chore. So I drilled holes in the lids. Now I can just set them out in the garden and I don't have to wait for daylight. Hand Update: It is healing an

One of my little projects

Almost nine months ago I quit smoking and as a side affect I gained 20 pounds. As bad as that sound I needed the extra pounds. However I didn't need it all in my ass and thighs. So I am weeding out my closet. And this take time because you can never just look at a size in something and know if it's going to fit. (Example: I have two pairs of pants that are made my the same company and I bought them at the same time. But one is a 4 and the other is a 7.)  I don't mind a pair of tight jeans but when it looks like your thighs are going to burst out of jeans. I recommend moving up a size. And I know I have a few pairs that need to make there way to the give away box. Hand Update: For the most part it is doing good. I still have some pain but if I don't use I don't have pain. I have stopped taking pain killer. I found it hurt less when I am not on pain killers because it forces me not to use that hand. I need it heal quickly. This whole not being able to do my norm

One Hand

lavender Being one handed has slowed me down. Like how to write this post without the computer keyboard and I don't own a smartphone. But as you can see I figured out a way. The thing that gets to me the most is that I can't walk pace or jog. The doctor said no and it painful. Thankfully there is still yoga that I can do. I switched to little projects that can be done one handed. And there are plenty of them.  Since I put building the garden on hold. It has gone through a whole redesign. Before I was hoping to have room to grow a few extra plants and now I will have plenty of room. Check out My Garden page to see the redesign and other updates on the garden. The best thing over the weekend was. Having a friend come over to help me out with my housecleaning. She sweep, mopped, emptied the dishwasher, loaded the dishwasher, wiped down the counters and sweep the stairs. It was so nice to have them done. They were all things that needed to be done.

Hammer vs. Hand

Only one post this week and it's going to be short and sweet. Last Saturday when I was out making garden boxes. I managed to hit my hand with a hammer. I did stop working and put ice on it and took some Advil. I did all the things that you would think to do for a hammered hand. But by Tuesday I was still having eye crossing pain, so I call the nurse to see what they recommend I do. She said I need to come and be seen. Off to the doctor I went. I didn't think that I had broke anything but I was wrong. I have a Scaphoid Fracture of the Wrist.