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Showing posts from January, 2014

Decluttering, packing and moving

My  decluttering adventure has been slowing but hasn't stopped. When I started my goal was just to clear some things out. Then it changed to get rid of everything I could not replace. I have managed to still keep more things than I need, but I have still made a dramatic decrease in clutter. And I imagine that I will let go of more things still as I got thru them a second time. I was also able to start some packing. I still have many things that a belong to my child off at college. So I knew I could pack those things up and know one would mind.  My housing searching had been on hold. There are some things that need to be decided. That I have no control over and until these decision are made I don't know if I will be staying in Austin or returning to Seattle.  Then I found out that I can only stay at my current house till mild of this month. I was hoping to have till the end of May but that turned out not to be the case. So I have had no choice but to look for new housing. I have

2014 is here

    It has been four month since the last time I have and many things have happend. I don't want to bore you so I will just give you a few of the highlight. My library volunteer job became a paid position. Due to the winter season I am no longer working at the trailer. I finished three more 5k. One of them was the Blacklight run that I got to do with my youngest and some co workers.       2014 is here and I can just feel that it is a year of change. I am hoping to get more races in this year. I have eleven race on my calendar so far and I will be doing a  virtual marathon each month too. My first race for the year will be a the Austin half marathon and it's just 19 day away . As it get closer my runs are getting longer which is nice because it give a little more quiet time.       I am also working on the garden. I have two planting of cold crops in and should be be seeing some harvest from the first planting soon. Since I grow my plants from seed I have started some of my warm