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Showing posts from September, 2012


Fall is here. It has already started to cool off. Kids have been back in school for about a month. I have returned to the library. And I have been working on getting my fall garden in. The most exciting this happening around my house right now. Is that I decided to get a pet. Now I love all animals, but I wanted the best pet for me. Do to allergies in my house, cats are not an option. And I am not willing to give up garden space for a dog run. So I decided to adopt a rabbit. It was kinda funny how much work was involved. I had to fill out an application, have an interview. Then had to pick a rabbit, that not only did I like. But one that like me too. Now the shelter has over 200 rabbits so there were a lot to choose from. I had already decided that I wanted a male rabbit. (I couldn't give up being the only female in the house.) I also didn't want a white rabbit and I was looking for a single. So that helped narrow down my choices. Now after deciding what rabbits that I like,

Making up for lost posts

Now the first post I missed was because I was on vacation. And didn't feel that everyone with an internet connection needed to know. I did have a good time. Got to go back home and see family and friends but not everyone. I think I may just have to go back more often. Guess I should start stocking up on my winter clothes.


I know I am way behind on my blog posts. And there is so much to tell but for now here is a quick story. Some how I have ended up with a scorpion as a pet. I say I because I am going to be the one that going to end up caring for it. The scorpion likes live crickets to eat. So I have crickets that I am caring for too. And you need to make sure they get feed, get water and vitamins. Yes, you have to give them vitamins to make sure the scorpion gets everything it needs from the crickets. I will have to say it has been interesting.