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Showing posts from September, 2014

Work: Part One

In my last post I told you that a full time job had found me. I belong to a book club and we were having our get together. I was also buying a washer and dryer from some friends. I had planned on picking them up before book club. When I got to my friends to pick them up the where running a bit behind. By the time I had got the washer and dryer to my place I was running very late. I ended up being an hour an a half late for book club and I even called to make sure they were still there. I ended up sitting across from a women I think I meet before but hadn't talk too. This time we ended up talking and there were something that we had in common. At the end of the evening as we were all leaving she asked if any knew a library clerk looking for work. Well I raised my hand and everyone else pointed at me. We exchanged numbers and I heard from a few days late to interview. After waiting for the school district to caught up I got the call from HR. I was to start my full time job on the fir

It has been way to long since my last post.

It has been way to long since my last post. I had a nice long update all ready to post the other day but when I went to post it it was gone. So here I am starting over. I did successfully made my move and managed to unpack and settle in as much as I can. I still have a lot of things in storage and just way to much stuff in general . Part of the reason is I am working on splitting my household into two households. I am hoping as this happens I will be able to finish my decluttering.   Then my librarian fell and broke her foot. Due to her restrictions she toke leave and I filled in for her. For seven weeks I was the librarian. It is funny that I was just about to finish up my fourth year at that school, and before I took over as sub librarian most of the children didn't know my name. They knew that I belonged in the library. They knew that if the librarian was busy that I could help them. There was some autonomy about being the clerk but now that is over. Now I get chased down at the