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Showing posts from March, 2011

Because I Hammered My Hand.

It's Picture Day! My Garden By Zones                                          Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9  Added an other Jasmine           And some pineapple              

Spring has sprung!

Time to start my spring cleaning. Well I have started. My biggest project right now is the yard and garden. My wildflowers are far and few between this year and the grass is brown. Do to a dry winter and a freeze in late February. Here in Austin there is only a small window were you can do a lot to your lawn  before the days get too warm. So right now my focus is outside. I have a list of things that need to be done inside, but they well wait. On a different note. I went in for a polish change (something I do every two weeks) and the lady even painted the sliver of toe nail that I have left on my bad toe. So from a distance you can't even tell that I am missing most of the toe nail.

Made it thru the week

Jasmine :-) Do to spring break my normal route was thrown off. But I still managed to work in the garden, go to a doctors appointment, do a big haul grocery store run, get a hair cut, visited with a friend, work on this blog...... ........became an honorary boy (I had to say "Boys are fantastic, girls are elastic!" 3 times) so I could play "Dangerous Book for Boys Board Game" And  lost a toenail. :-) Mike Tyson 3/13/11 (He was hard to get a picture of. He moved around a lot. And I was using my phone to take pictures.) :-)

Spring Break

With my goal of posting twice a week and it's already Wednesday. I thought I better start writing. It's not that I don't have a lot that I can write about. It's just finding the time to sit and write. It is spring break at my house and it's also SXSW week. So there is lots of entertaining to do but there is also a lot of entertainment this week. I spent the weekend at SXSW Screenburn. Got to see storm troopers, lots of new games and Mike Tyson.  And I plan getting some music in later this week.

Oral Hygiene

:-) Lately I have had a few people make comments about my tooth brush collection. Yes, I have thing with toothbrushes. I currently have six tooth brushes in rotation. And one is always a travel one, because you never know when your going to need to brush your teeth. I am not a stand in front of the sink and brush. I like to multi- task and brush. So I need more than one tooth brush. Then I don't always have to hunt down where I put my tooth brush last.                                       

It's already Sunday

I feel I was productive this week. I got a ton more seeds in dirt. Started to put a little running into my workout and managed not to fall down.  I do have a hamstring that is not happy with me. But most days it's not happy with me. I also got all the library bulletin boards and the big case updated for March.(I volunteer in an elementary school library.) And even started on some spring cleaning at home. (Look for the Spring countdown clock.) I am happy that warmer days will be here soon. I have never been a fan of winter. Living in Austin my winters are shorter than other places. But it still get cold and I don't like cold.