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17 Days Left

There are only 17 day left in the school. It's hard to believe that we are almost at the end of an other school year, and with this there are a lot of things happening at the school were I volunteer.

We just had the spring book fair, were I got to pick out books for all the kids in school. (There is church that meets in the school building on Sundays that buys the books for the kids.) The kid get their books when all their library books are turned in for the year.

This is also the time of year when you get to see just how many books are in the library. I will be able to see how I need to reorganize the spinner rack, were we keep the more popular series. For example I am not sure if I have the right of room for the "Dairy of a wimpy kid" series right now. All the copies are normally checked out and when they are checked in it is never for very long. It's not uncommon for them to never make it to the spinner rack they are check out again so quickly.

With the end of the school year also means summer reading is coming. We are having a "Egyptian Pyramid Reading Quest" for our summer reading program. But the current log sheets don't have enough time for the kids to log all there hours needed. So I well be making a new log sheet today to make sure it is ready to go home with kids.

I have also been thinking about applying for a library clerk job. It would mean going back to work full time, so there are lots of factor involved. I am healthy and that is one of the biggest factor. I also I am on the right combo of meds were I don't feel like I have to take a nap everyday. Not that I wouldn't take a nap if I can, I just don't feel the need to alway take one.

Since it is way past my bedtime I am going to end this post for now but look for and update on the garden soon.


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