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The library

One of the things that I do is volunteer in a elementary school library. I am in the library about 15 hours a week. I know some people don't understand why I help where I don't have a child, but middle school doesn't need me. In elementary school on top of the normal librarian duties. The librarian also see every class, every week and does a lesson with them. So the school I am at the librarian see about 500 kids a week. And when you have a fourth of them are not reading yet. You need an extra pair of hands. And I have a great librarian to work for.

I enjoy volunteering at the library for a lot of different reasons and its great occupational therapy. I do a lot more than shelving. I help with the kids, do the bulletin boards, book displays and more. One thing that we are doing is weeding books out. With a library that's 25 years old you find books that have been well loved and may just need some repair or other that just need to be replaced. I also find books that are just old and haven't been check out for years. And it looks like we may be getting some extra funds to buy books this year. So those books that need replacements will get replaced.

Without getting to to much detail I had a substitute librarian the last few weeks. I know she didn't care for me much and to top things off. I know she didn't like the fact that kids and teachers came to me with questions or requests. But I don't think she understood that is normal. If my librarian is busy or not in the library the kids and teachers know that they can come to me. I don't have all the answers but I will find out.

So I will be working on becoming a sub for my librarian. But in the mean time I will be thinking about my March bulletin boards.


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