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I feel so behind in getting a blog post up. Life has been keeping very busy but all in good way. Now I recently got myself an ipad to replace my laptop that had died. So I have been trying to figure out the best way to write on the ipad. I think I found the best way for now.

With less than a month before my half marathon and trying to train in the Texas heat is a challenge. But getting out early and lots of water make it manageable. I am swimming on my cross train day and sometime on run days too. (I am already at the pool six days a week and it gives me something to do vs standing around for an hour.) 

The garden is coming a long. I have twenty beds in area 66' x 7'. So I have a lot  of plants in the ground and still have some beds that I have not planted yet. But this Texas and I do have a long growing season. So they will end up with plants in them. My biggest concern with the garden right now is water. We are under tight  water restrictions . When the rules were made there was not any foresight for people doing home gardens. So any watering other than hand watering is only allowed two days a week. And even though my garden is on soaker hose. Which I feel  is the best way to water and have the least amount of waste, but I can still only water twice a week with it. So I have a new moto when it comes to watering the garden it is "Food not lawn". I do not water my lawn I would rather water my garden more often with the soaker hose. Plus when it's 100+ outside watering the grass twice a week does not keep it green and everyone else grass is brown too, so I am not worried. I have had some plant lose do to heat but I planted extra just for that reason. And I did lose most of my pumpkins do to squash vine bores  but I did get an other planting in. We should still have pumpkins in the fall. I also have some kind of lizard or snake living in the garden. I have not seen him but I have a section in the garden were I get close and something runs away. I am always careful when I work in garden especially with the drought, because there are more critters looking for water.

So here is the first post from my ipad.


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